why do you come to amalfi? cos its cool. cos everyone comes to amalfi. they have great tea towels and ceramics with paintings of lemons. and they have lemons.
arrived via the coolest bus ride (kinda like the rimutakas minus one lane, winding atop the cliffs above the ocean, through villages, road chocka with tour buses... going both ways... mmmm.. good views (of the adjacent bus' passengers) and good bus drivers... witnessed NO collisions (with millimeters to spare!) and fully intact wing mirrors

ended breaking out our tent for the first time (were starting to feel a little guilty)... camping @ backpackers in the lemon grove overlooking the ocean (from about 500m up...)
walked the sentiero degli dei (path of the gods)... many deserted farm houses (and many not so)... walking thru the clouds, huddling for shelter in a grotto (cave / bus shelter) in the midst of the best electrical storm... did i mention that we have developed a 2 litre / day tetra pack wine habit? we have developed a 2 litre / day tetra pack wine habit. excuses? well, it's cheaper than buying coke and juice (between $1 and $3, so what are you gonna do?). and water is over rated. so, thanks tetra pack. they also sell it in handy 250ml packs in case you have to take some in your pocket. which i do. lucky.

excuses are for addicts.

alana you're so brown. maybe the wine's staining your skin?
ahhhhh sicily. the one country in the world where i could get a decent tan (maybe it was the wine!)
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