Saturday, July 15, 2006

08_06_04 when in roma bring your speedies

highlights include:
camo sound system @ the vatican (goes with the camo security cams... wondering what's in the bedrooms...)
sneaky genius thanks michael angelico.
rocks that have been made into things that were cool then got old and a little tired so decided to sit down (aka palentine).
we liked russel crowe's the gladiator best. men in skirts i hear you say?
ooooo and modigliani had a very long neck. was ace. alana spent hours.
full mooning at the colloseum
suave slick smooth talking italian men who were the epitomy of the cliche. thanks but no thanks.
riding the bus when the legs wore out.
go labia. so we did.
having a picnic on every bit of grass we came across. coz we could. (kinda like marking our teritory) mmmmmm bread and wine (when in vatican city)


AA said...

ahh loving the labia! and the wonderous gaze alana. ohh la la, roma nell'este. bellissimo. on this day a year ago dion & i were soaking up the roman heat&gelato. ahh. now you are. maybe i'll be back there in a year's time? espero!
arohaNUI, aims

Anonymous said...

And I"m in Edinborough folk. Ain2T IT GREAT. GETTING THE HANG OF THIS

gudhed said...

today i had enough of. the heat.
i long for an airconditioned movie theatre
or maybe a cool northerly breeze
visiting lago orta tomorrow for some refreshing goodness
gelato is a god send.
(so are friends who come to europe...)
guessing the anonymous is my mum! glad you're enjoying!
Venice film festival at the end of about it Lau?

Anonymous said...

hi from sf alana - some here don't know how to DO blogging!!!!

Great to hear from you. obviously having a great time. Into staff mtg, and will mention this


Anonymous said...

I love your blog Jon and Alana. It was recommended to me by many of your lovely friends in Wellingtown. I can't believe the heat is almost too much. Keep eating the gelato and you should keep cool.

Anonymous said...

I will trade you:
some - daffodils, logfire, long baked all day beans, rain and surface flooding.... for
some - incredible sun and heat, siesta and gelato...
affare o nessun affare?
deal or no deal?
Lots O Love XOX
luv.luv. kk