Tuesday, July 11, 2006

one day the notoians decided to get serious about flower arranging and made a festival out of it. the biggest in the noto social callendar. lucky huh. so on friday night all the crews get together (having already made the outlines of the designs) and eat pizza and put on their special knee pads and get down to some serious infiorataing. they go hard. all night. and by morning something magical has happened. 2006 was the year of baroque potraits - god mary jesus (last year was the little mermaid).

coolest part was l'altra infiorata (the alt. infiorata) which was located in the 'old quarter' of the city - where a bunch of creative young anarchist types have moved into the older buildings and have set up a type of creative community thing... super friendly... inviting us to a concert (with ace local styles) and sharing local delacacies like parmageano (mmmm eggplant) and berry wine (mmmm berry wine)

oh yeah the guy in the photo self immolating is none other than antonnio... perhaps the coolest guy in sicily... husband of alex and father to sole, remi and gaia... they are starting a circus school on the hills above noto if anyone wants to send their kids...

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