Friday, May 05, 2006

Blue phenomenon

Blueskies England, Friday 5th May, 25 C and rising.
(for the unbelievers, Bee & Steeve)
we miss you too!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

things kiwis do in england:
ride on the tube. check.
complain about how expensive things are. check.
marvel at the ubiquity of slapperness. check.
go and see a kiwi rocker. check. (thanks bic runga, you are legund)
eat a luke warm pub meal. check.
drink flat beer. check.
sleep on the floor with 12 other kiwis. (ok not everything - thanks geoff and kerryn for comfiest bed in the northern nothern hemisphere).
love skipping winter and dropping in on spring. check.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

thanks england
you are ok
alana makes friends with the ponies
ben is bigger
staying with brother geoff and sister kerryn in birmingham (which is ok too)

goodbye hong kong
journeyed to the northern northern
gimme mao
