Thursday, April 05, 2007

Pasqua in Paris

Logging off and leaving the office. Will be spending the long weekend getting our glad on in gay'ol pari'. Will be a time of focused tourism, croissant connoisseurism, cultural gluttony and 'Je ne comprends pas' Français.

Easter in springtime seems to make so much more sense; the blossom is gorgeous, daylight now stretches well beyond office hours and, as far as the eye can see, the cityscape of roofs is being overshadowed by the resurrection of the urban forest, as the winter-barren trees, led by the weeping willow, slowly starts to turn green.

After our weekend across the channel, we return, not to work, but to a van trip to the south coast of Britain. Four nights getting back to it. Yeah. Bring on the seaside. Bring on summer. Bring on the speedo’s!


Anonymous said...

C'est ci bonne,mes enfants.

Anonymous said...

Have a fantastic time holidaying. Are Cornish Pasties on the menu? Are those speedoes permitted on English Beaches? Too cold, surely.

gudhed said...

cornish pasties, check. speedo's, check (though I think a hot meat pie and a wetsuit woudn't have gone astray)