Thursday, February 01, 2007

it was a weak

yeah sorry that you always seem to get stuck on the tub with me. its really not that bad. you get to see all kinds of neat stuff. especially @ old street on friday night yeeehah. always feel like i am heading the wrong way thru there.

with no thought for continuity. a week. clinton j mcclean got older. as did nigel. carlos slater began a new phase in his love affair with richard taylor. and had a birthday. am sure both were happily received. graham reeves had a birthday and 4 dozen nappies to change (his was maternity leave week). my father nigel proved just how mechanical he really is by trading up for his fourth hip replacement. thinking of you dad. geoff and kerryn decided to stay a little longer in the uk - hooray! new zealand had summer. we had spring so i reckon not a bad trade. alana swam some laps @ her swanky gym. i almost hit the tonne for hours worked in a week. alana cooked ALL the dinners. mmmmmmm. nice that we have 2 days off next week in austria (only 2 letters yet worlds apart from the other aus - how does that work). work life balance? for schmucks.

what was your news? go on. tell me. us. them. you. anyone. except for that guy. yeah. that guy. ow.


timmZero said...

I nearly tripped over on a shoe ...just a coupla minutes ago ..didnt tho ..was a little bit exciting. Not, like, "whoa I just saw a leaping lizard!" exciting but still pretty good

gudhed said...

what kind of shoe was it?

timmZero said...

Well obviously it was a sneaker Alalaaa, becaus I didnt see it coming. Either a sneaker or a ninja shoe ...definitely not a clog or anything noisy.

family hamlin said...

Dark and misterious Mr Zero is in the world of my consciousness again. lovely.
ala and johanoita (thats italian for Jon) never left my world. they forever are in my cortex snuck away for a rainy day. but i'm too busy to write on this thing. the other week i did SIX more hours than my alloted 32 hours at work. so you see my dileema. and we had another baby called Riley. well not another one called Riley like the first one was called Riley. that would be silly.

Anonymous said...

it is why tan ghee day and we are going to the square place that they have tried to make flatter and fancy to see what the bands sound like and we have a hot belly that wriggles and we have stuck together some wood bits in the shape of a rectangle for the purpose of putting dirt and plants inside of and keeping the dirty old grass out. happy birthday for the jonotan that i missed to say happy to before cos i was a bit slow looking at the website thing.

gudhed said...

i like everybody