Thursday, February 15, 2007

go to work? why?

why do we go to work then go home then go to work then go home then go to work then go home then go to work then go home then go to work then go home and stay home then go to work all over again?

To answer my own question, its so we can have wonderful weekends in Salzburg,where the hills are alive with the sound of haweks making angels in knee-deep powder snow, and the valleys are filled with the gentle tinkle of yet another mozart classic.

The streets are clean and Sauerkraut tastes good. especially with goulash and dumplings. and as for mozart bretzels - they're something else (whats with pistacchio and chocolate and mozart?)

Salzburgs fortress once proved impregnable, like kerryn (who now, proving she really is still a kiwi at heart despite shiny new brit passport, was experiencing 'evening' sickness in tune with the nz morning. atta girl)

Jon's hat was everywhere - seems its really caught on over there.

We drowned our mild guilt re our growing global footprint by frequenting coffee houses for pastry fixes, and beer halls to get tanked on tankards 'as big as yr arm', and then some. and a little more. please.

Back in london and wondering, where has the sauerkraut gone?


Anonymous said...

I recognised the coat Alana was wearing in a photo, then checked and it is in the cupboard here. Heaven help us if she is becoming a little like her mother already! But, I could make a bit more sense of the latest blog about the snow fun in Europe.Good on you. Wonderful news too,it might appear?
I'm off to the Whangaehu Sports tomorrow to see Amy in action. Her Grannie is still encouraging her along: almost, sort of ,like Zara's does. Cheers.

gudhed said...

you're so not anonymous!

timmZero said...

Im anonymiss too.
Anonymousse is the new ... version ..of the thing
..the thing that isnt cool anymore