Sunday, April 30, 2006

thanks england
you are ok
alana makes friends with the ponies
ben is bigger
staying with brother geoff and sister kerryn in birmingham (which is ok too)


Dion Howard said...
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Dion Howard said...

Nice box, you two. You're in pomgolia already! Wow. Wee.

Emma Makes said...

Hey I'd really like a postcard of the queen. I'm at:
Emala van Tooti/5 Avon street/Waiwhetu/Lower Hutt/New Zealand. Do it or the paintings get it.

Anonymous said...

these pictures make me miss youse.
these pictures do not make me want to go to in gland. funny how every picture in Great Britain has the same grey hues. I like China better. And I like Nancy the tailor better than Elizabeth the second.
love from Steev.