Thursday, April 13, 2006

last night we stayed in a hong kong coffin - about ~3m x 3m. tonight we are staying in a plush suite overlooking the (evilly polluted) river in shenzhen... getting a few suits run up by the local super tailor nancy... shamelessly getting the cheap goods from exploited labour. hmmmm.

what would u do?


AA said...

what would i do? hmmm... prob the same as you and try to be extra nice to the people i was buying from to try and make myself feel okay! jon i like your yoga beach pose.

Dion Howard said...

I'd buy the suit. Though if it were your suit, Jon, that I was buying, then that'd be real crazy....on me...huh.

Miss you guys (but I expect it will wear off in a few days)

Emma Makes said...

I would get them to make everything in the world for me because it's too good a deal - maybe throw in a big tip to make myself feel human again.

gudhed said...

nancy loves us. we got hugs.
china IS a giant mall (i think the mountains are green screened in afterwards for effect). We are all suited up for europe (jon had short shorts made too - maybe ok for hobbits?) our big tip? Don't run with scissors.